Notion Financial Tracker Build
Welcome to the support page for my Notion Financial Tracker Build. Here are all the additional bits you need.
Expense Formulas to copy and paste:
1. Calculated % Claimed
prop("Amount") * prop("Set % Claim")
2. Final Expense Claim
if(empty(prop("Set % Claim")), prop("Amount"), prop("Calculated % Claimed"))
3. Planned Expenses
if(prop("Fixed / Variable") == "Fixed", prop("Amount"), if(prop("Fixed / Variable / One-Off") == "Variable", prop("Set Budget"), prop("Amount") - prop("Amount")))
4. Status
if(prop("Planned Expenses") >= prop("Amount"), "✅ ON BUDGET", if(prop("Planned Expenses") < prop("Amount"), "❗ OVER SPEND", "💵 Enter Amount"))